15 Mart 2011 Salı

Release The Healing Power of Your Body Through Reiki Energy Techniques

Often times you will see Reiki massage therapy which will naturally make you think they are similar. Actually, they are two distinct therapies, but many times a massage therapist will merge the two approaches. The exact meaning of Reiki is, "universal life force," and that truly does cover the true process of this healing art. A practitioner of this approach works with concepts found in other Eastern disciplines such as yoga. To illustrate, the seven chakras, or energy centers, are involved with Reiki massage and treatment. Just as with acupuncture, it is the unrestricted flow of energy in your body that brings about health and a strong mind and body.

The aim of Reiki is to enhance relaxation and the lowering of stress and anxiety. So it is easy to understand why Reiki is often coupled with massage therapy so the chakras can be more open and healthy. Knowing how to keep calm and peaceful will contribute to the body's power to affect healing on its own. It is no hidden knowledge that a healthy body is able to defending itself and sustaining a healthful and strong condition of being. One important principle of Reiki healing involves the concept of reaching balance. We have to live in a balanced way, and our inner energies need to also maintain this balance.

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Western medicine has long acknowledged the role of too much tension and the failure to deal with it as precursors to many health problems. Another perspective on that, which is the Eastern thought, is a person's life and general body are not in a balanced state. So many Western people contribute to this imbalanced predicament with the entire lifestyle they choose. Reiki and massage are frequently applied to bring the body into a more tranquil state. Massaging important areas of the body will help the body to relieve stress.

If you learn Reiki and acupuncture principles, then you will uncover a few things in common. Each of the two systems are related to encouraging the flow of life force, of energy, in the body. Any time a disease state arises, or even an emotional or psychological problem, then it is a result of the disruption of this energy flow. The reduced amounts of life energy signifies a state of imbalance and will ultimately lead to physical or other conditions. It is helpful to take into account the ways whereby many people feel in negative terms. Some instances are worrying, self harm attributed to a negative lifesyle, chronic anger, abnormal fears, poor self esteem, and the list continues.

That is why the dual approach of supporting relaxation through massage therapy plus the energy work from Reiki can be successful for many people. In the same way with so many additional forms of alternative healing, a man or woman should have an open mind about the method. But people are all diverse, and Reiki and massage will not have an attraction which is easy to understand. Reiki therapeutic massage represents a strategic solution which means you should apply it on-going in your general pursuit of healthiness.

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